covid-19 safe practices
Are you wondering when to travel internationally
Is it going to be safe? Well, we are here to put your mind at ease. Below is the latest information (June 2020) about the Novel Corona virus, and some of the precautions we have taken at the MRC to minimize the spread of the virus.
During the COVID-19 pandemic there has been zero income, volunteers, interns or visiting researchers have coming to the MRC. The data collection has suffered most, with almost decade-long datasets forming great gaps. We need your help to get back out on the boat while there are no volunteers around to keep collecting this invaluable data, contributing towards the conservation of some of the rarest and most vulnerable marine species on earth.
If you have any penny or cent to spare, please consider donating. Thank you. |
other facilities
savannah research centre
Situated on the banks of the Mbuluzi river in Mbuluzi Game Reserve the Savannah Research Centre caters for researchers and students who seek to conduct field research in the Lubombo Conservancy of NE Eswatini.
neighborhood care points
Located within rural and peri-urban communities in Eswatini there are eight NCPs supported by All Out Africa working in partnership with the respective communities. These NCPs cater for orphaned and vulnerable pre-school aged children providing them with day care, two nutritious meals and early developmental education.